Imagery of nature
Imagery of nature is present as a source of healing and source of finding oneself. The nature of things and human nature are the basic and the most truthful aspects of a person or a thing. In nature, one can be as one is without fear. Wilde is hopeful that nature will help him heal and help him start a new chapter in his life.
Imagery of twilight
Imagery of twilight is present as a reflection of a prisoner's sorrow. Wilde compares the twilight in the cell to the twilight in one's heart, meaning that the sorrow in his imprisoned heart lasts forever just like the twilight in his cell.
Imagery of clothing
Imagery of clothing is there to represent the outwards being the opposite of inwards. Wilde mentions the purple fine linen as a representation of luxury and beauty, but when wearing it he felt isolated from his true self. Being in a prisoner's garments, he realizes the true meaning of life and returns the ownership of his soul.