Eight Plus One: Stories Background

Eight Plus One: Stories Background

Robert Cormier's Eight Plus One: Stories is about a seventeen-year-old boy named Mike who goes to visit his grandmother's house. Mike's grandmother is about to die, the grandmother invites him so she can tell him the family secrets. Some secrets are very sacred. The author Robert Cormier is also known for many literature books and is a columnist and reporter. Some of his most popular books are I Am the Cheese, After the First Death, We All Fall Down, and The Chocolate War which have all won rewards and widespread attention. All of his books are dark with some focusing on abuse, mental illness, violence, revenge, betrayal, and conspiracy.

When Eight Plus One: Stories was released, it was liked by many. Says Monica Wyatt from Common Sense Media: "Short stories are a great way to get teens reading; while this collection may not appeal to reluctant readers, its sensitive views about growing up do appeal to more avid readers."

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