Eight Plus One: Stories Literary Elements

Eight Plus One: Stories Literary Elements


Short Stories

Setting and Context

Often set in Monument, a town in America.

Narrator and Point of View

Cormier's stories are mostly written from a first-person perspective, usually from the point of view of a young person.

Tone and Mood

The tone is often lighthearted but sometimes becomes thoughtful and philosophical.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is often a young, first-person narrator, who may see their parents as antagonists but later realise they are similar.

Major Conflict

In Guess What? I Almost Kissed My Father Goodnight, Mike suspects his father of unusual activity and spends the story trying to figure out what it is.


In Guess What? I Almost Kissed My Father Goodnight, the climax is when Mike confronts his father about his suspicious activity.


The importance of Mike's mustache is foreshadowed as it is mentioned extensively in the very first page of the story.


In Cormier's stories, children often understate their parent's humanity and identity, believing their parents to be entirely different from themselves.


Cormier alludes to actress Ethel Barrymore in The Moustache.


Cormier uses various imagery to describe characters and their behavior, including Mike's father and his grey hair.


Although Mike often lies to his parents, he is shocked to discover his father is also capable of lying.


Mike discovers that he is similar to his father, drawing a parallel between his own rejection from Sally and his father's rejection as a young man.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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