Eight Plus One: Stories Metaphors and Similes

Eight Plus One: Stories Metaphors and Similes

Statue simile

Mike describes his father sat on the bench using a simile: "My father was deep in thought, like a statue in a museum." This statement emphasizes how deep in thought his father is, to the point where he doesn't notice his son standing near him.

Stanger simile

When Mike discovers his father sat on the bench near the bus stop in the middle of the day he is shocked, and begins to believe that he doesn't know his father as well as he thought he did: "I drew back, studying him as if he were a sudden stranger."

Beard simile

Mike describes his father the day after the phone rings for him, saying that: "He needed a shave, his beard like small slivers of ice." This simile emphasizes his father's age, focusing on his grey beard.

Sally Bettencourt

Mike discovers that the girl as the bus stop is Sally Bettencourt, describing this revelation as being "like a bomb detonating." This is because Sally is popular, and Mike's chances of getting to know her may have been scuppered.

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