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Hal, Henry, and Falstaff
Kind of Activity:
Individual Writing
To better understand relationships between characters in the play.
Common Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.7, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.4
Have students watch the following scenes from Henry IV and Henry V:
-Henry IV i, Act II , Sc. 4 (tavern scene at the Boar's head)
-Henry IV ii, Act V, Sc. 5 (Henry's coronation, renunciation of Falstaff)
-Henry V, Act II, Sc. 2 (Henry uncovers the treason plot)
-Henry V, Act II, Sc. 3 (Falstaff has died)
You can either a find a recorded series of the plays with a consistent cast, or play clips from different productions. Some relatively recent...
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