The Smell
Li’l Bit states, “Here on the land the Department of Agriculture owns, the smell of sleeping farm animal is thick on the air. The smells of clover and hay in mix with the smells of the leather dashboard. You can still imagine how Maryland used to be, before the malls took over. This countryside was dotted with farmhouses.” The smell which Li’l Bit perceives affirms the prime agricultural activities which take place of the land. The activities define the setting of the area where the ‘driving’ lessons commence.
The Imagery of Bras - “Teenage Greek Chorus”
The “Teenage Greek Chorus” goes, (As Grandmother) Well, I hope you are buying some decent bras. I never had a decent bra, growing up in the Depression, and now my shoulders are just crippled-drippled from the weight hanging on my shoulders-the dents from my bra straps are big enough to put your finger in. - Here, let me show you - " Bras are indispensable for women with big breasts for they help in reducing the burden of bearing weighty and big breasts. The recommendations that Li’l Bit should have ‘decent bras’ insinuates that her breasts have blossomed, so she is a woman.