Day 2

Howards End Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    Explain Margaret's emotions at the luncheon party she hosts in Mrs. Wilcox's honor.

    Margaret has mixed emotions. Part of her is perplexed and frustrated by Mrs. Wilcox since she does not care about the same things Margaret cares about. Margaret is independent, academic, and quick-witted, whereas Mrs. Wilcox is dependent on her husband, old-fashioned, and conservative. Margaret is dismayed that Mrs. Wilcox cannot relate to her smart, cultured friends, and says things like, "I sometimes think it is wiser to leave action and discussion to men." At the same time, Margaret is drawn to Mrs. Wilcox and respects her. Mrs. Wilcox's serene composure makes Margaret ashamed of her...

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