If I Forget Thee, O Earth... Metaphors and Similes

If I Forget Thee, O Earth... Metaphors and Similes

Cosmic objects (Metaphor)

When Marvin observes objects in outer space, the stars and sun in particular, the author provides emphasis by describing them in metaphor: “fierce sun crawled slowly across the jet-black sly”, “stars were intense unscintillating points”. Thus it impresses the reader and his/her attention is drawn to these objects, which is important for the author, as his purpose is to draw readers’ attention to beautiful things, and make them comprehend all the danger that humanity can face by neglecting nature.

Beauties of the Earth (Simile)

A very vivid description of the Earth’s nature is given in the following simile: “the crests of the mountains, catching the low sun, burned like islands of fire in a sea of darkness”. Marvin is enchanted with beauty of the Earth; everything is magnificent and wonderful for him.

Exploring the Earth (Metaphor)

Marvin and his father have spent some time observing the Earth, and everything for Marvin was beyond spectacular: “mountains whose peaks seemed to comb the stars”, “Sun dropped below the crest of the plateau”. These metaphoric descriptions are important as they impress, fascinate, and ultimately do not leave the reader unconcerned.

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