If I Forget Thee, O Earth... Summary

If I Forget Thee, O Earth... Summary

As the narrative begins, the Father takes his son Marvin outside the space colony. Marvin is 10 and they live in the separated space colony. They go through the boy’s beloved place — the Colony Farmlands. Marvin likes the plants and the smell of life as there is no it in the residential levels. It would be nice to stay there, but they should go. Marvin saw the photographs of the land out and watched it on television screen, but now he is to face with it in real time. As they set off, he finds there was a blinding sun, black sky and numerous shining stars; Marvin loves stars but their twinkling now seems to him to be a lie, as they shine constantly.

They race fast, as trying to escape from something. The Colony is left over the horizon, and now they are racing down through valleys and feet of mountains. Marvin is a little afraid of such landscapes, but they are not the first explorers of this road. After hours of driving among the hills and mountains which seemed not to end ever, they finally get to the valley which is not covered with dark, although it obviously should be. The source of light is opposite to them.

They stop, but Marvin keeps his eyes closed. In few minutes he looks through the shine: he sees the lines of continents, the atmosphere, clouds. The planet was beautiful with its sunsets, seas, rains and snow. He knew about it as well as about the Armageddon. But now he still cannot go there as it is contaminated with radiation.

The Father tells him about the destroying of the planet, and about their Colony — the only one in the whole world. It is a small oasis that should prevent them from the Nature. Of course, it would not function for a long time if they had no aim. Now Marvin understands the reason and purpose of their pilgrimage. He would never touch this world himself, but he should tell his descendants about it. One day they will use the ships waiting near the colony to return to the Earth and get their heritage back.

Marvin doesn’t look back when leaving the valley. The boy goes back obediently.

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