If I Forget Thee, O Earth... Themes

If I Forget Thee, O Earth... Themes


The pessimistic course of history in the beginning of the 20th century, especially the world wars, caused the dire mood that in particular has its expression in this work. Arthur Clark in such a short story pictures one of probable variants of the future. We find out that the Armageddon (figurative meaning: the death of civilization caused by global war) has already happened, having made people live in colony, as the Earth suffers from radiation. Such circumstances in the story are the reflection of the nuclear war threat in the 20th century. It is an appeal to the world community to come to its senses.

Usage of nuclear power

The beginning of the XX century is time of active atomic power investigations and tries of its applying into life. In 1945 while the World War its application led to material and human losses. People were far from the peaceful and productive coexistence. Depicting of the world having been destroyed because of the same powers is an author’s criticism of such events and a call for maximizing of safety within scientific studies. Consequences of carelessness towards nuclear powers are vividly depicted in the story, its destructive power is huge.

Destiny of a nation

The title of the story also contains some preliminary information. The 137th psalm of the Bible is in the basis. The psalm appeared when the Jews were ruled by Babylon. According to Bible negative consequences are caused by the sins. Obviously, the loss of the land of the people chosen by God had some reasons. But the Jews didn’t leave their land for foes, they accepted their destiny but they fought for their possession. This idea is developed through the story as people made some mistakes (either conceptual or material) and now must live away. Through the silent obedience of Marvin we conclude about the acceptance of fate. Surely such idea doesn’t call us to be fully indifferent; it indicates the importance of our actions, understanding, and public awareness.

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