In America Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the idea of the American dream brought out in this work?

    The Russian occupation of Poland is characterized by negative connotations on the protagonist of this work, Maryna. Being a struggling actress, life is difficult for her yet she keeps the midnight oil burning. As a result of the frustration that follows this political instability, she hopes to migrate to the United States where she feels will be more welcoming and, in that line, she would have a better life as opposed to that in Poland, her home country. After she moves to the US together with some of her family and friends, they start a community farm which for quite some time does well. However, when everyone starts leaving, it all crushes. Even so, the American dream lives on as she manages to make a name for herself in the film industry.

  2. 2

    How is determination brought out as a dominant character trait in Susan Sontag’s In America?

    Maryna is a struggling actress who has nothing apart from the hope of a better life in the US. This particularly follows from the Russian occupation of Poland which complicates the situation even further. In her determination to succeed, she decides to convince some of her friends and family to migrate with her to the US where she feels that the likelihood of her success would be considerably higher. When the community farm they set up in the US begins failing, her determination sees her through and she finally makes a name for herself in the acting and film industry. Determination is a concept that is largely epitomized by Maryna.

  3. 3

    How is immigration as a concept brought out in this literary work?

    Immigration is a major theme in this work. For instance, when the situation in her home country becomes increasingly unbearable and characterized by instability, Maryna has the idea of seeking greener pastures elsewhere, and in the United States specifically. As such, Maryna and some of her friends and family migrate to the United States where they set up a community farm. While the farm works for a while, some of Maryna’s partners leave for other parts while some travel back to Poland. Maryna rekindles her acting interest and manages to break through the fog. Immigration and the ideology of the American dream, go hand in hand in Susan Santog’s In America.

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