In America Summary

In America Summary

Maryna Zalezowska is a struggling actress who, after a recent bout of typhoid, has decided to make some changes. She is frustrated by the effects of the Russian occupation in her home country, Poland, and concludes that greater opportunity lies elsewhere. She enters a party with all her friends and family and convinces them to join her in sailing to America to establish a farm community there. Astonishingly they all agree, including her husband.

In America, the adventures begins with optimism. They all pool their money to purchase some land and supplies. Although the process of establishing a farm is challenging, they all pitch in to support one another as they learn alongside one another. They're new life is humble and requires a lot of work. Additionally, with so many big personalities in close proximity, conflict is almost endless.

Eventually, people start withdrawing from the community, one at a time. Some lose heart in the farm and start careers elsewhere. Others return to Poland. Maryna decides to return to acting, moving to San Franciso. She pours her heart into her career and performs admirably. She soon earns herself fame and fortune, becoming one of the most desired stage actresses of the west. As Madame Marina Zalenska, Maryna earns the highest honors.

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