Inadmissable Evidence Irony

Inadmissable Evidence Irony


Bill has built a law practice with the help of Hudson over years. Ironically, Bill hardly goes to court to fight for anyone in litigation. Instead he hides behind his desk ordering everyone as to what to do. He even does his best from meeting with any clients at all.


Bill is on trial in the opening dream sequence. A trial regarding whether he's lived a good life or not. Ironically, he prosecutes himself for having lived horribly rather than defending his life.


Bill must give a majority of the work to Jones as Hudson's load is full. Ironically, Bill doesn't trust Jones personally though he believes him to be capable of a great deal of business.

Tough Talker

Maitland is a man who bullies everyone in his office and life, from his wife to Hudson, his secretaries, employees and mistresses. Ironically, his bullying is an attempt to cover the fact that he knows he is a man that has become nothing, and his false toughness is him trying to cover that.

Father Daughter

Bill's daughter comes to his office in order to speak with him. He makes her wait a terribly long time then, ironically dominates the conversation between the two of them not allowing her to get a word in at all. He has become a man that talks at people, not with them.

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