Inadmissable Evidence Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Inadmissable Evidence Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Bill attempts to get through to Mr. Winters constantly throughout the play with no luck. This is a symbol that Maitland is being shut out; others have finally put an end to having to connect with a man they know is living as a bully and a fraud.

Law Office

Bill does not go home hardly at all in this play. He stays within the confines of the office he's built his law practice in. This is a symbol for Bill's life, in that he has created seemingly strong walls, an appearance that seems well built and solid, but the truth is there is nothing filling this place. Bill's life is all exteriors with very little to fill up the space, the whole within him.


Bill's thumb is in pain, and he's asked about it during the play. He says he's just stared at it and maybe it's cancer. This is a symbol that Bill knows something is wrong with him, but rather than get an official diagnosis he is allowing it to continue to fester and grow. He'd rather not know the truth and risk dying from it.


Bill, throughout the play, pops pills constantly. They are a symbol of his desire to stuff down any pain or truth that attempts to come up within him.


Bill has dream at the beginning of the play where his life is on trial, and he is essentially prosecuting himself. This is a symbol that Bill knows that his life has become phony.

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