La Odisea

La Odisea Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • Homero. Odisea (traducción en verso de José Manuel Pabón). Madrid: Gredos, 1985.
  • Hexter, Ralph J.: A Guide to the Odyssey: A Commentary on the English Translation of Robert Fitzgerald, New York: Vintage Books, 1993.

  • Maria Reicher: "Nonexistent Objects", en Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, invierno de 2014. 23 de julio de 2015 <>.

  • Martin Mueller: "About Homeric Repetitions", en Eumaios: a collaborative website for Early Greek epic (Northwestern University). 23 de julio de 2015. <>.

  • "Fractal Pyramid" 23 de julio de 2015. <>.

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