Lost Horizon Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Shangri-La is a non-contaminated society. Show how the same is brought out in the novel, Lost Horizon.

    Shangri-La is a society that is devoid of any contaminants. Even though the locals are exposed to the conveniences present in the outside world, Shangri-La has quite torn away from civilization. The people have largely varied mentality and culture from that of the other parts of the world. Due to the fact that this society is least affected by the western values, the assertion that it’s a pure society is quite befitting.

  2. 2

    Show how faith and religion re brought out in James Hilton’s novel, Lost Horizon.

    Ms. Brinklov in the novel becomes a great symbol of faith and religion. Not only is she a true believer she is also a diehard Christian and a missionary who takes it upon herself to ensure that the infidels such as Pakistan get wind of the word. She dedicates her life to serving Christ and growing her faith in the process. In this way, Ms. Brinkov forms an emblem of faith and religion in the work.

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