Lost Horizon Irony

Lost Horizon Irony

Talents hidden behind bun fights

When Wyland said that Conway went east and his Oriental languages got him the job without any of the usual preliminaries in several posts, Rutherford answered: “History will never disclose the amount of sheer brilliance wasted in the routine decoding F.O. chits and handing round tea at legation bun fights.” Thus he shows his attitude to those “posts”, to Conway’s job in general, and therewith shows his attitude to Conway himself: this man and his brilliance, to his mind, are worth much more than some routine paper job.

Congratulation with crash-landing of the plane

When the plane with four friends has a crash and the pilot is dying, Conway says that they need do something, and Mallinson answers: “What are we going to do? Rush forward and congratulate him on his marvelous flight, I suppose." Here he shows his anger and accusations against the pilot. He forges that the man is dying, he just sees him as a man who threw them in the wild land.

The fortunate American

The High Lama says that he and his people feel themselves truly fortunate because of coming Barnard, an American, to their land. It seems to be ironical that the happiness of a lamasery may be dependent of a man for whom the police of many countries were actively searching.

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