Lost Horizon Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Lost Horizon Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Shangri-La (Symbol)

Shangri-La stands here as a symbol of harmony of nature and a man, harmony of people, it symbolizes some kind of paradise in the Earth. Those who come here don’t want to leave this place: they find their peace and happiness in its people, nature, and a unique way of life.

The road to Shangri-La (Allegory)

This road is very winding and craggy. The pressure, temperature of air, the weather in general changes every minute. The heroes hardly manage all these changes, they always worry about if they go in right direction and if something good waits for them in the end. Behind this allegory stands the general concept that there are always some obstacles and difficulties on people’s way to something happy and good.

Fairytale (Motif)

The story is written in such way that it resembles a magic tale narrated with legendary elements: Shangri-La, its landscapes, perfect politeness and kindness of people, harmony in everything are so charming and winsome that the reader would like to occur in that place himself. These, “normal” things are interlaced with magic ones: absence of this place on the maps, people who live for hundreds of years and not get old, their physical abilities inspire the reader for thoughts that this place is rather some kind of a legend, fairytale, allegorical narrating which may be assigned to teach the reader a lesson.

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