Natural Born Killers

Natural Born Killers Analysis

The film begins and ends with extreme violence and murder as Mickey and Mallory take the lives of nearly everyone in the diner and then kill Gale, who believed he was going to be left alive to tell his story to everyone. The film is a chronicle of the Natural Born Killers as Mickey dubs them and a very important point is that their violence has made them the most famous couple in the world. This is due in part to the media's obsession with their killings and willingness to air interviews with them, during the Super Bowl--the most watched television spectacle in the world.

What we see is America's penchant for violence as the idolize the horror they are fed by the media. And we can deduce that the media's need for viewership, which drives sponsorships and thus revenues, will cause them to do whatever is necessary to earn more. But what this does is translate the violence in Mickey and Mallory, which we see in the first seen as a black and white and bloody image in Mickey's mind, into the public's view.

The point is that in an effort to increase profits, media exploits horror upon the public. And the more horror that is seen the more desensitized the viewers become and thus it creates a need for more and more over the top footage until we exist in a society that is nothing more than gore and blood. The film in itself is ironic in this manner as it shows us all the violence in a stylized form. This is nothing new as civilizations far before ours sought out this violence--as evidenced by the Coliseum in Rome.

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