Natural Born Killers Imagery

Natural Born Killers Imagery

Mickey's Mind

We see Mickey sitting next to a mustached man in the diner and as the man talks about Mallory vulgarly we see cut aways to a black and white image of the old man covered in blood. The imagery tells us that Mickey is a violent man who has a clear vision of what he wants to do to the man running through his mind.

The Tilt

As the hillbillies come into the diner, the camera is tilted as it moves down upon them and into the diner as Mallory dances. The imagery tells us that what is happening is completely off-balance from the normal way of life as it eventually leads to Mallory and Mickey killing the men in the diner.


Mickey & Mallory are seen in their RV at the end of the film with their two kids playing and Mallory pregnant as Mickey drives. The imagery shows us that these psychopathic murderers look like any normal family taking a road trip. It creates a veil of normalcy that can allow them to draw more victims in.


Gale's camera is taken away from him and is pointed at the reporter during the end of the film. Mickey and Mallory tell him they are going to kill him and we see the camera's point of view in black and white without seeing Mickey nor Mallory. The imagery creates suspense as we hear the shotguns cocking and are waiting for the violence to ensue. It puts the audience on the edge of their seat.

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