Natural Born Killers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Natural Born Killers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Black & White and Bloody

We watch as Mickey sits next to a hillbilly in the diner. And as the old man talks vulgarly about Mallory we see intercuts of Mickey seeing the man covered in blood. These shots are in black and white and are symbols of the violence in Mickey's mind that will soon come out.


Mallory dances in the diner and a man joins her believing she wants him there. This is a symbol of men overstepping boundaries on the assumption that a woman wants them to come on to them. It represent a false permission created solely by the man.


Gale finds out that Mickey & Mallory are not going to let him go as he thought. Instead, they are going to kill him. This is a symbol that these natural born killers are not to be negotiated with and are not the way to ratings, which Gale learns by losing his life.

Super Bowl

Mickey and Mallory have gotten the attention of the world and continue to do so when they are scheduled for an interview after the Super Bowl. This is a symbol of their fame as media outlets believe viewers will tune in to watch. And above all else profits are king.


Mickey & Mallory begin to dance after killing all but one person in the diner. The lights fade and only a spotlight remains on them. This is a symbol that they are both in this dance of madness together and exist in the world in a way that is not connected to reality, but to their demented nature of their violence.

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