Nights of Cabiria Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is Oscar's intention when he meets Cabiria?

    Oscar meets Cabiria during a magic act that she becomes part of. He tells her that he is in love with her after an act of fate occurs on stage. She eventually believes him and falls in love. But the truth is that Oscar's intention was to get Cabiria to take out all of the money she has in the world to start a new life with him and he is going to take it and then kill her by pushing her off the side of a cliff.

  2. 2

    What is the irony of repentance in this film?

    All of the prostitutes along with their pimps go to see a holy relic in order to ask forgiveness for their sins. They do so with great depth of feeling, but ironically just after they do so they all get drunk and simply return to their ways.

  3. 3

    How does Fellini set up Cabiria to fall in love with Oscar in such a way that the audience believes their love is real?

    The beginning of the film is Cabiria being mugged and pushed into the river by her boyfriend. She nearly dies. We then see a shrine that she has in her home created for him with his pictures, etc. By seeing this and the men that she regularly hangs out with in the streets Oscar becomes a man of gold. He treats her well, cares for her, goes out of his way to be with her. He is the perfect gentleman. Thus we believe he is going to take care of her, when in truth it is all an act to steal her money.

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