Nights of Cabiria Quotes


"Madonna, Madonna, help me to change my life. Bestow your grace on me too. Make me change my life."


Cabiria make the pilgrimage to pray at the feet of the Madonna in order to repent for her life. It is a stark contrast to her and her friends immediate actions after their repentance which involves getting drunk on wine. This statement reveals her heart's desire to live a better life, and to know that she was made for more.

"If you like, I'll marry you. I wanted to ask you before but I didn't have the courage. I've wanted to since the first time I saw you."


Oscar makes this statement and Cabiria as well as the audience believes him, that his heart is true. But he's only after her money and plans to kill her for it. It's a filthy game this man is playing by manipulating women, only seeing them as dollar signs, but convincing Cabiria that she is priceless to him. He even provides the anticipation of a better life, and forgiveness for her being a prostitute. Thus, he preys on her need for forgiveness and to be seen as a whole person. By providing this she gives her heart to him and her trust.

"Giorgio's got it. We took a walk by the river and I fell in. Giorgio got scared and ran off."


Cabiria tells Wanda a lie in order to protect herself from looking like a fool to her friend as Giorgio didn't get scared. He pushed Cabiria into the water and stole her money. He was willing to kill her in order to get a few extra lira to put in his pocket. She was manipulated into trusting a man she knew nothing about. It shows her wantingness to be vulnerable and her getting hurt by doing so.

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