Noises Off Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    The author has used several literary devices in history. Which two are the most predominant? Give examples.

    The two main literary devices used by author are similes and irony. Similes help the reader to make comparison of scenarios within the text while the irony brings contrast from what the reader expects. For instance, the author uses a simile when he compares Vicky to a building or property. He says that Vicky is well-built and marvelously maintained, which clearly brings out the intended comparison. The irony of Gary is prevalent when the author says that he is not able to complete sentences when conversing with another person. From his description, the reader does not expect someone like Gary to mix up words and make incomplete sentences. For instance, when asked questions, this is how Gary responds, "we're all of us feeling pretty much, you know...” Additionally, he tells the Lloyd that it is right to give correct answers but ironically, his response sentence is incomplete.

  2. 2

    Explain this quote from the play: “I mean, OK, so he's the, you know. Fine. But, Dotty, love, you've been playing this kind of part for, well, you know what I mean."

    This quote is used to help the reader understand that Gary is an individual who finds it difficult to finish a sentence, which is unscripted. To make matters worse, if he is interrupted during the conversation, he mixes up words making it almost impossible to understand him. For instance, an interruption from Dotty makes him infuriated and starts to mix up words.

  3. 3

    Give one example of the theme that becomes prevalent from Michael’s Frayn’s “Noises Off”

    One of the themes depicted by the author in the story is "Metafiction". Throughout the story, the reader can conclude that the author is engaged in theatrical caucus; that a show within a show. The author uses this literary device to enables both the audience and the characters to have own interpretation and experiences of some situations.

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