Noises Off Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Noises Off Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The house

Probably the most important symbol used in the play is the house where the action described in "Nothing On" takes place. The house is used by the two couples as a form of getaway which is in the case of both couples the result of various lies. Thus, because of this, the house is used in this play as a symbol of deception.

Britain and Spain

The main characters in the "Nothing On", the play presented in "Noise Off" is the Brent family. The pretended to leave their country, Britain, to escape a harsh taxation system and lied to the authorities they are living in Spain so they could save some money. The two countries mentioned here are both used as symbols, Britain being a symbol for confinement while Spain is used as a symbol to represent freedom.


In the second act, the audience is able to see both the action from the play "Noise Off" and "Nothing On". While the play "Nothing On" is performed, the actors on stage have to remain completely silent. The silence is used in this context as a symbol for the self-censorship many impose upon themselves and which is the result of social pressure.

The stage

The stage is the place where the action takes place in the case of both plays. The stage is the place where the deceptions take place and where all the lies are revealed. Because of this, the stage is used here as a symbol for the ultimate truth and for the idea that eventually, the truth will always come to light, no matter how hard a person tries to deny it.

The pampflet

The stage directions make it clear from the beginning that there are two pamphlets being distributed among the audience, one for each play. The pamphlets are used to reveal to the audience how the action will take place in the play. The pamphlets are also used here as a symbol, representing the way in which every person has a written course of life they have to follow no matter what.

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