Noises Off Irony

Noises Off Irony


During the dress rehearsal, just a few hours before the opening of Nothing On, the actors are expected to have memorized their lines. However, ironically, Dotty still does not know what she is supposed to say or do: "How about the words, love? Am I getting some of them right?"

Garry's Confusion

Garry is confused about the group's rehearsal. He is under the impression that it is a technical rehearsal, but ironically, nobody--including the director--knows what kind of rehearsal they are supposed to do. Garry airs his concerns: "Well, we're all thinking of it as the technical. (To Dotty) Aren't we, love?" However, Dotty does not even seem to know the difference between the two kinds of rehearsals: "It's all those words, my sweetheart."


Garry is unable to finish one sentence. Trying to voice his frustration he says to Lloyd, "we're all of us feeling pretty much, you know..." Ironically, he apologizes for this "complaint" saying "Sorry, Lloyd. But sometimes you just have to come right out with it," which is ironic because he did not "come right out with it" in the first place.

Lloyd and Garry

When Garry tries to flutter Lloyd, praising his style of directing, Lloyd answers, "Thank you, Garry. I'm very touched." However, he immediately reveals that this statement is ironic and he does not appreciate Garry's words at all, as he tells Garry to "get off the fucking stage."

Frederick and Lloyd

When Frederick asks Lloyd for a reason why he needs to carry a box with groceries and the overnight bag with him, Lloyd is at first unwilling to comply. He becomes increasingly annoyed until he finally provides a reason. After that, he says ironically, "And on we merrily go," while it is clear that he is not merry at all.

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