Simon Armitage: Poems Characters

Simon Armitage: Poems Character List

The Speaker - “I Say I Say I Say”

The speaker in “I Say I Say I Say” made an attempt to perpetrate suicide by slicing his/her wrists; hence, he/she apprehends the tribulations of morbid suicidal instincts.

Suicide Survivors - “I Say I Say I Say”

The survivors are discernible by “lacerated skin” whose shade is unalike the other body parts. The abrasion from the incisions may have mended but the splotches conspicuous.

The Speaker - “I am Very Bothered”

The speaker in “I Am Very Bothered” is disconcerted for his juvenile trespasses. Undoubtedly, the speaker has come of age for he has acknowledged that blazing his childhood love was belligerent and insensitive.

The Man - “Poem”

The man in “Poem” accomplishes his accountabilities impeccably at times, but on other occasions, he exploits his masculinity. The pleasurable and objectionable performances that he executes are used to appraise his performance.

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