Simon Armitage: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Simon Armitage: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Strong Drink - “I Say I Say I Say”

‘A strong drink’ epitomizes the extreme intoxication that the forlorn individual gets into before progressing with a self-destructive slashing. The potent drink rouses an individual to carry on the suicide plot without penitence.

Tidemarks - “I Say I Say I Say”

The speaker envisions “a crimson tidemark/round the tub” the tidemark suggests that the suicide endeavor supervened in a bathtub. The tidemarks are solid physical proof of the undertaking.

White towels turned pink - “I Say I Say I Say”

The speaker mentions “white towels/ washed a dozen times, still pink.” The color transformation indicates that the white towels were used to mop lots of blood during the suicide operation. The pink color demonstrates the bloodiness of suicide. It would be incredible for the towels to preserve their prime color for they are tainted already. Correspondingly, the shots to accomplish suicide can neither be invalidated nor be reversed.

The Burned Fingers - “I Am Very Bothered”

The speaker affirms, “Marked, the doctor said, for eternity.” The disfigured fingers denote a perpetual mark that epitomizes childhood wound. The doctor’s judgment means that the victim would put up with the blotches henceforth. Therefore, they would hark her back to the discomfort she withstood due to the speaker’s treachery.

Cascading Sensation - “It Ain'T What You Do, It's What It Does To You”

The speaker concedes, “And I guess that the tightness in the throat/and the tiny cascading sensation/somewhere inside us are both part of that/sense of something else.” The sensation denotes the utility that one gets from the unsophisticated undertakings. The feeling is not defined by enormousness it is grounded on gratification.

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