Simon Armitage: Poems Themes

Simon Armitage: Poems Themes

Suicide-“I Say I Say I Say”

“I Say I Say I Say” elucidates the progression of suicide. The suicide transpires in a bathtub when an individual gashes his/her wrists so that he/she can drain to death. The speaker persuades the addressees to “Come clean, come good” about their suicidal stabs.

Penitence-I Am Very Bothered

The speaker recompenses when he entreaties the addressee, “Don't believe me, please, if I say/that was just my butterfingered way, at thirteen, /of asking you if you would marry me.” If the speaker were not apologetic he would not have heartened the addressee not to rely on his justification as regards the “butterfingered” marriage pitch. The declaration of guilt submits that the speaker has owned up to his childhood mischievousness.


The appraisal of the man in “Poem” is constricted to “sometimes he did/this, sometimes he did that.” The evaluation is partial as it does not account for the human fragilities that could have made him to strike his spouse and filch from his ailing mother.

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