Simulacra and Simulation Characters

Simulacra and Simulation Character List

'Washington Post Journalists' - “Political Incantation”

The journalists’ admonition of the Watergate scandal was contributory in inspiring the public’s ethics. The journalists’ rationalism sanctioned to the public to discriminate the implication of the Watergate scandal. By the way there are no characters in the book in general.

Bourdieu - “Political Incantation”

Bourdieu ratifies the deployment of ‘deterministic and moralistic’ tactic when dealing with scandals such as Watergate to transmit the reality to the public. His ratification validates the consequence of political integrity for all individuals.

John F. Kennedy - “The Strategy of the Real”

Kennedy’s ill-reputed murder continues to affect successive American presidents: “All previous presidents pay for and continue to pay for Kennedy's murder as if they were the ones who had suppressed it - which is true phantasmatically, if not in fact. They must efface this defect and this complicity with their simulated murder.” His murder has fortified the simulation of assassinations of other presidents.

'Presidents Johnson and Ford' - “The Strategy of the Real”

They are personifications of ‘simulated murder’: “Presidents Johnson and Ford were both the object of failed assassination attempts which, they were not staged, were at least perpetrated by simulation.” The simulation of their eliminations is based on Kennedy’s infamous assassination.

Hitler - “The Strategy of the Real”

Hitler is among the magnetic leaders who have disseminated ‘political imaginary’ with the intention of his persona existing indeterminately even after his demise by assuming that their successors will endorse their philosophies and legacies.

Pharaohs-- “The Strategy of the Real”

Pharaohs are emblems of the political mythos: “it was always one and the same person who incarnated the successive pharaohs.” The chronological incarnation is emblematic of simulation of political tradition.

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