Simulacra and Simulation Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Simulacra and Simulation Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The author uses simulation to embody reality in life. For instance, simulation is a definite-looking goblet that reflects practicality. Consequently, the symbol of simulation is intended to notify the reader that reality reflects one being and the surrounding environment.


A simulacrum is a symbol of the truth that cannot be hidden. Besides being a non-fictional book, the author uses the symbol of simulacra to represent precision. Therefore, readers are reminded that anything that is done in the dark can be brought to light at any particular moment and any period.

TV and Film

The author mentions TV and film to symbolize modernism. Modernity is an era of technological innovations that has enabled people to see what is happening in the rest of the world at the comfort of their homes. Similarly, in this symbolism, the author mentions the internet, publishing, and urbanization as noteworthy events resulting from modernism.

Borges Fable

Borges's fable symbolizes the validation of replication because they are the precise reflections of reality. The author is categorical that Borges fable is not an invented perception because it authenticates simulation. For instance, the fable is linked to the indisputable deterioration of the empire discussed in the book.


The author uses Watergate to symbolize the dark side of the political system. The character Deep Throat is a reflection of the regeneration of scandals manipulated by the Republicans. The government is supposed to serve its people, but the system has been tailored to benefit a few greedy individuals.

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