Small World Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why are Nora and Finnegan taking a dangerous trip to the United States of America?

    Nora and Finnegan are twins confounded by poverty in their home country. Despite knowing that entering the United States of America illegally is prohibited, they undertake the dangerous trip with the hope of passing through the Golden Gate to access the land of never-ending opportunities. Every immigrant is looking forward to being part of the American dream, ready to do anything possible to enter America illegally.

  2. 2

    How does the author show the practice of social injustice in America?

    Brianna has lived in America for several years and has discovered that for an immigrant to excel, he must double his efforts. Brianna's son wants to be a professional in basketball; however, despite his talent, he must work twice harder to be given a chance to play in a team dominated by white Americans. Therefore, social injustice and segregation deny talented immigrants an opportunity to shine in their talents and careers.

  3. 3

    How does the author build the theme of immigration?

    The narrative by the author about the four different families dating back to the 18th century plays a vital role in building the theme of immigration. Water Bergen, Nora, and Finnegan are descendants of historical families who immigrated to America to search for better opportunities. In addition, most of the minority groups in America are the descendants of enslaved people that were brought into the United States of America hundreds of years ago to work in plantations.

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