Small World Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Small World Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Gold rush in California

The gold rush in California symbolizes the deep-rooted systematic social injustices in America. When gold was first discovered in California, most minority groups were displaced and never remunerated. Luyu's descendants were victims of social injustice during the gold rush because the family was thrown into the cold and left to die without compensation.

The Transcontinental Rail Road

The transcontinental Rail Road is a symbol of the American development journey. The road is symbolic because it is a landmark in American history that marks the beginning of the generational transformation. When the four main characters meet on the train, they discuss the Rail Road as a development pillar that puts America on the global map.

Golden Gate

The "Golden Gate" is a symbol of prosperity and opportunities. The biggest test for any immigrant going to the United States of America is to pass through the "Golden Gate," which is the border point entry that is tightly guarded. Nora and Finnegan's biggest worry is how they will pass through the "Golden Gate."

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