5'-ATA GGC ATA GGC CCA TAT GGC ATA AGG CTT TAT AAT ATG CGA TAG GCG CTG GTC AG-3' Write down its complementary strand. Make sure the direction of the complementary strand is opposite. A binds to T and G binds to C. 5'- ATA GGC ATA GGC CCA TAT GGC ATA AGG CTT TAT AAT ATG CGA TAG GCG CTG GTCAG-3' 3'-TAT CCG TAT CCG GGT ATA CCG TAT TCC GAA ATA TTA TAC GCT ATC CGC GAC CAGTC-5' Open up the duplex. Write down the complementary sequence for the first 12 bases starting from the 3' end of the bottom strand. This give the forward primer. Then, write down the complementary sequence for the last 12 bases of the top strand. This give the reverse primer. 5'- ATA GGC ATA GGC CCA TAT GGC ATA AGG CTT TAT AAT ATG CGA TAG GCG CTG GTCAG-3' 3'-C CGC GAC CAG TC-5' 5'- ATA GGC ATA GGC-3' 3'- TAT CCG TAT CCG GGT ATA CCG TAT TCC GAA ATA TTA TAC GCT ATC CGC GAC CAGTC-5' The two primers (written in 5' à 3' direction) are as follows. Forward Primer: 5'- ATAGGCATAGGC-3' Reverse Primer: 5'- CTGACCAGCGCC-3'
Work Step by Step
5'-ATA GGC ATA GGC CCA TAT GGC ATA AGG CTT TAT AAT ATG CGA TAG GCG CTG GTC AG-3' Write down its complementary strand. Make sure the direction of the complementary strand is opposite. A binds to T and G binds to C. 5'- ATA GGC ATA GGC CCA TAT GGC ATA AGG CTT TAT AAT ATG CGA TAG GCG CTG GTCAG-3' 3'-TAT CCG TAT CCG GGT ATA CCG TAT TCC GAA ATA TTA TAC GCT ATC CGC GAC CAGTC-5' Open up the duplex. Write down the complementary sequence for the first 12 bases starting from the 3' end of the bottom strand. This give the forward primer. Then, write down the complementary sequence for the last 12 bases of the top strand. This give the reverse primer. 5'- ATA GGC ATA GGC CCA TAT GGC ATA AGG CTT TAT AAT ATG CGA TAG GCG CTG GTCAG-3' 3'-C CGC GAC CAG TC-5' 5'- ATA GGC ATA GGC-3' 3'- TAT CCG TAT CCG GGT ATA CCG TAT TCC GAA ATA TTA TAC GCT ATC CGC GAC CAGTC-5' The two primers (written in 5' à 3' direction) are as follows. Forward Primer: 5'- ATAGGCATAGGC-3' Reverse Primer: 5'- CTGACCAGCGCC-3'