The Book of Job

The Book of Job Analysis

The Book of Job in the bible tells the story of Job, a righteous man subjected to suffering. The objective of the story was to encourage people to overcome painful situations. Job is blessed with a beautiful family and material possession. Satan is jealous of him and appears before God to ask for permission to persecute him. God believes that Job is exceptional and no one on earth can be compared to him. When Satan is finally permitted to test Job’s faith, he robs him of his wealth and kills his children.

Job’s wife tries in vain to convince him to mock God. Additionally, his close friends blame him for his troubles. Despite many challenges and trials, Job is unmoved. However, he does not realize why God tolerates sufferings for righteous people. After difficult experiences of anguish, God finally restores Job’s prosperity and doubled his wealth. Therefore, he ended up having more possessions. The conversation between Job and his friends exposes the irony of his condition. Readers cannot understand why Job is drawn in a supremacy conflict between God and Satan.

Job is used as a victim of circumstances and suffers innocently. All this suffering is meant to clear the doubt of who is superior between God and Satan. When God restores his success, Job withdraws his initial demand to know the reason behind his suffering. Lastly, he concludes that God can do anything. The story portrays God as an omnipotent being whose actions are conclusive. Nobody should dare question God’s actions.

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