The Book of Job Summary

The Book of Job Summary

The Book of Job” involves a challenge between God and Satan. Job is considered a righteous man who cannot sin due to his faith in God. Satan believes that Job loves God only because he is wealthy. On the other hand, God believes that Job loves him genuinely. One day, Satan approaches God and challenges him to test Job through dispossessing his material wealth. Satan opines that taking earthly possession from Job would make him abandon God. Following these events, God grants Satan his wishes and permits him to torment Job. However, God directs Satan to do everything bad to Job but not to kill him.

When Satan descends to earth, he kills Job’s children and livestock. Job is left mourning and also in abject poverty. The wicked incident does not stop Job from believing in God. Job continues praying and believing in God to the chagrin of Satan. Satan is not satisfied and he presents himself before God to request another test. God maintains that Satan is free to do whatever he wishes to Job, though, he should not take his life. After being given another chance, Satan strikes Job with awful skin disease. Job’s wife urges him to curse God and die. However, Job laughs off his wife’s opinion and continues believing in God.

Moreover, Job’s three friends, come to console him. Soon after, they start blaming him for his woes. The three friends advise Job to sin so that he can end his miseries. However, John remains steadfast and keeps on praying. Although Job believes that God punishes His people and lets evil ones thrive, his faith in God does not deteriorate. Eventually, God heals him and returns everything that belonged to him twofold. Job appreciates God and scorns those who used to laugh at him.

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