The Book of Job Characters

The Book of Job Character List


Job is a humble and God-fearing man from the land of Uz. He is extremely wealthy and blessed with seven sons and three daughters. Job owns thousands of animals, and he is well known for his extravagant parties. In all his wealth, Job remains faithful to God. Satan tells God that Job will surely abandon Him if he's stripped of his wealth and family. God puts Job's faith to the test by taking all his wealth and killing all his children and servants. Job stays strong and faithful and surely God rewards him tenfold for his faith in Him.

Job's Wife

After God stripped Job of all his wealth and children, all he had left was his wife. Job's wife. God allowed Satan to inflict painful sores all over Job's body. As Job sat in pain and anguish, his wife came up to him and told him to curse God and die rather than live in endless pain. Job rebuked his wife for her foolishness and told her that he cannot curse God because even in times of trouble, God was still with him.


Eliphaz the Temanite is one of Job's three friends who visited him during hard times.


Bildad the Shuhite is also one of Job's three friends who joined him in his anguish.


Zophar the Naamathite is one of three friends who came to see Job. When they saw the suffering that their dear friend had been enduring, they tore their expensive robes and rolled in dirt. They cried out loud and joined him on the ground. The three friends stayed with him for seven days and nights in silence.

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