The Butter Battle Book Characters

The Butter Battle Book Character List

Yooks and Zooks

The Yooks and the Zooks are two groups of people who live on opposite sides of a great wall, stopping the other from entering their land. They are at war with each other because the Yooks eat their bread butter side up while the Zooks eat it butter side down.The Zooks and Yooks are an allegory for the Cold War and are meant to represent the USA and USSR.


The unnamed grandfather is only stated to be a Yook. He hates the Zooks throughout his entire life and still wars with them in his old age. He was once a Zook-Watching Border Patrol and came to blows with the Zook, VanItch.


VanItchis portrayed as the nemesis of Grandpa. The two came to conflict when VanItch destroys Grandpa’s beloved weapon, the Snick-Berry Switch. He attempts to outwit the Yooks by building more and more complex weaponry.

Chief Yookeroo

He is the leader of the Zook-Watching Border Patrol and led the design of the triple-sling jigger in order to outdo the Zooks slinghsots. As the arms race escalated, he goes onto design the Kick-a-Poo Kid, Utterly Sputter, and the Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo.

The Boy

The boy is the grandson of Grandpa, and the one he is telling the story to. He is trying to show the boy how corrupt the Zooks are and why they cannot be trusted even to this very day.

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