The Cave Imagery

The Cave Imagery

Hanging dead bodies

Cipriano and Marchal both heard a banging sound below the Center, where they moved in. Marchal, who decided to live in denial and love of the Center, pushed the sound away and continued living his blissful life. Cipriano didn’t do that. He followed the sound and it led him to a cave. Inside, there were hanging dead bodies facing a wall with shadows. This is an important image, as it is where the name of the book is taken from. Instead of feeling horrified of the dead bodies, Cipriano relates to them, saying that they are the same. This is what makes the image a strong and meaningful scene.

The Center

The Center itself is described similarly to how a person might describe a shopping complex in this day and age, just a lot more convenient. In addition to having all the things a person needs, it provides sleeping quarters, food and a lot more. On paper, the Center seems like the perfect paradise, but when the reader looks closer at the facts, it is not the utopia it is believed to be.

Traditional to convenient

The whole story starts with the Center stopping its economical relations it has with Cirpiano, which bankrupts him and forces him to move. The Center explained the abrupt cancelation because of the decreasing want of its cutlery. The people wanted more convenient and comfortable plastic cutlery instead, as it is a lot more modern. These words can be used to describe the Center itself, as they are repeated several times throughout the book.

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