The Cave Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Cave Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Consumer culture (Motif)

At the core of the narrative are the themes of consumerism and commercialism. The Centre is an embodiment of the consumer culture with its varied installations that aim to appeal to the residents’ consumerism. Furthermore delves into the cultural homogenization within the premises designed around commodities and material things. Power and authority are dictated by the market forces that render non-residents compliant with the Center’s market needs. Thus, explores how small-scale producers are dismissed when better and cheaper commodities hit the market.

Plato’s Cave (Allegory)

The idea behind the narrative and its plot is Plato’s Allegory of the cave which is apparent throughout the novel. The allegory tells of prisoners in a cave with a distorted perception of reality due to the reflections projected to them. The Center acts as the cave since it separates its residents from the happenings of the outside world. In essence, their reality is built around the shadows or images they are fed and exposed to. The civilization is living through images that do not even exist in the actual physical reality. Moreover, the tale alludes to the allegory through the inauthenticity in the marketplace that is compromising genuine works.

Purpose (Motif)

The story explores the notion of life purpose in the sense of vocation and fulfillment. Through the elderly potter Algor, the reader is introduced into his world as his vocation becomes obsolete. Firstly his hand-crafted pottery loses its market to mass-produced plastic products. He adjusts and experiments with ceramic dolls which also become of no value to the Center. Algor ends up living in the Center with his family where he gradually comes to be disillusioned. Thus, the narrative delves into the meaning of purpose and whether fulfilling our superficial needs can replace it or not.

Social stratification (Motif)

The tale highlights the authoritative control that exists in this society that grants amenities depending on social statuses. The main characters reside outside the Center and are regarded as the lower classes therefore their freedom is limited. They are only allowed to service the demands of the premises and cannot seek market elsewhere. On the other hand, those who climb the corporate ladder get to reside in the Center with access to the amenities. The narrative showcases the rift that exists between the social groups in terms of benefits and ideologies too.

The dog (Symbol)

The author gives the family dog a voice as a character in the tale akin to its human owners. Therefore highlights the simplicity and uncomplicated nature of a dog’s expression. In contrast, humans undergo multiple emotional responses as they express themselves. Simply put humans have complexity in their expressions that blur the lines between sincerity and pretense. The dog symbolizes the genuineness that humans hide or choose to forgo for various self-seeking reasons. Accordingly speaks to the all-encompassing themes in the narrative that revolve around authenticity.

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