Day 2

The Epic of Gilgamesh Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    What do you think of the Elders' decision to support Gilgamesh's journey under the condition that Gilgamesh will "let Enkidu go ahead of" him?

    Points that students might raise include (but are not limited to):

    • The Elders clearly are less concerned with Enkidu's survival, and some students might find this a little unsettling. Other students may point out that Gilgamesh is the king, and the Elders would naturally be more concerned with his survival.
    • Students might mention that Enkidu was not keen on this idea to begin with, and is only going along on the trip at Gilgamesh's insistence--and yet Enkidu is the one who is being asked to put himself in greatest danger. Enkidu...

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