The Marriage Portrait Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Maggie O’Farrell build the theme of forced marriages in The Marriage Portrait?

    Most ancient communities were patriarchal, and men made all decisions concerning their societies. Women had no power to determine their fate because men took control of everything. In Marriage Portrait, Lucrezia's father, Cosmo, is a patriarchal man who believes that her daughter must be married to a man of his choice. For instance, Cosmo organizes Lucrezia to get married to Alfonzo, Duke of Ferrara. When Lucrezia learns that her father is secretly organizing her marriage, she tries to evade it but fails. The wedding is later arranged, and Lucrezia gets married to Alfonso without her consent.

  2. 2

    How best can you describe the character Alfonso, the Duke of Ferrara?

    Alfonso is a powerful and wealthy man who uses his authority to oppress those around him. Despite being an important figure in his society, Alfonso is cruel, vindictive and thoughtless. For instance, when Alfonzo learns that Contrari is dating his sister, Elizabeth, he orders his death execution. Making matters worse, Alfonso forces Elizabeth to watch her lover's execution. Contrari dies a painful death. Lucrezia is shocked to learn the harsh reality about her husband's character, but she can do nothing because she must follow his commands always.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic meaning of the marriage portrait commissioned by Alfonso?

    The marriage portrait symbolizes hopelessness. When Lucrezia gets information about the execution of Contrari, she sits on the marriage portrait because she does not see the meaning of being in an abusive marriage. Alfonzo does not love Lucrezia because he married her for convenience. Consequently, whenever Lucrezia looks at the marriage portrait, she feels depressed because the marriage is meaningless.

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