The Marriage Portrait Imagery

The Marriage Portrait Imagery

The dining table

The opening sentence in A Wild and Lonely Place depicts a sense of sight to readers. The narrator says, "Lucrezia is taking her seat at the long dining table, which is polished to a watery gleam and spread with dishes, inverted cups, a woven circle of fir." The imagery shows Alfonso's opulence and wealth because he only dines in high-end castles. Lucrezia is still getting used to the life of being a Duchess.

The Palazzo

The picture of the Palazzo portrays a sense of sight. "The sky is low and motionless; no breeze stirs the silk window covering, and the flags on the palazzo's ramparts hang limp and flaccid." Lucrezia's mother is in the Palazzo waiting to confirm her pregnancy status. The imagery illustrates how men treated women after conceiving.

The imagery of the tiger

The narrator describes the first appearance of the tiger in Florence to paint a picture of astonishment among the locals. The narrator says, "A tiger, Vitelli knew, had never before been seen in Florence. People would jostle and scream to behold such a creature in their midst; ladies would faint from the shock; young men might compete with each other to goad it as it passed them in its cage, might poke it with sticks and spears." The imagery is vital in this context because it illustrates new possibilities. Lucrezia realizes that she can sneak from her home to meet new people. Lucrezia has been confined in her home all her life, and she does not understand her surroundings. The arrival of the tiger gives Lucrezia the courage to discover more things that happen around her.

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