The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries Character List

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Through his diary entries and letters, Guevara appears to be intelligent, thoughtful, and idealistic, albeit sometimes headstrong. He is game for the adventure he sets out upon even when conditions are difficult, and he begins to form his ideological convictions regarding resisting U.S. imperialism, the virtue and strength of the proletariat in the face of victimization, the centrality of history and culture, and tensions in Latin America across races and classes.

Alberto Granado

Che's close friend and companion on the trip, Alberto is steadfast, intelligent, empathetic, and skilled at a variety of things. He can be impetuous sometimes, but, like Che, he is ultimately a compassionate and cerebral figure.


Guevara's girlfriend and owner of the dog Comeback. Guevara is deeply in love with her and worries about leaving her as he sets out on his travels.

Dr. Barrera

A doctor in Choele Choel who diagnoses Che with the flu and orders him to bed.

Don Pedro Olate

The night watchman in San Martin de los Andes who lets the travelers stay with him and arranges their work at a barbecue for motorcar drivers.

Owner of La Gioconda

A friendly owner of a bar and restaurant in Valparaiso. Plies the travelers with food and drink.

Dona Rosita

A gregarious and perhaps somewhat crazy woman who likes to tell stories at La Gioconda.

Dr. Molinas Luco

The mayor of Valparaiso. He tells Guevara and Alberto that he would like to help them get to Easter Island but cannot do so until the following year.

The Schoolteacher

A man whom the travelers meet in Peru. He has indigenous blood and was let go from his job by the government for being a member of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance. He entertains Guevara and Alberto and tells them about the Indians's rituals and current state of affairs.

Dr. Hermosa

An ex-leprologist living in Cuzco who is very friendly and procures the travelers train tickets to Machu Picchu.

Dr. Hugo Pesce

An expert leprologist living in Lima, he is friendly, generous, and helpful to Guevara and Alberto. He gives them suits that make them look respectable for the first time in a while.

The Girl

An "easy" woman on the ship—she is clearly a prostitute.

Dr. Bresciani

The medical director of a leper colony, San Pablo. He is friendly and generous.

Dr. Alfaro

A "relaxed" and friendly dentist at the leper colony.

Dr. Montoya

A doctor and a surgeon at the leper colony.

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