Day 4

The Outsiders Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    How does Hinton build up Ponyboy's illness?

    This question requires some close reading: students may not have noticed the symptoms of Ponyboy's concussion while reading the previous chapters, but by going back over the text, they should notice Ponyboy's severe headaches in Chapters 7-9, his severe reaction to every injury at the rumble, the sense of disjointedness and unreality that builds up in his narrative, and his inability to balance by early in Chapter 10.

  2. 2

    What does Ponyboy think of the way Dally dies?

    Ponyboy thinks Dally death is "gallant" and that, in most basic terms, it was "suicide by cop." Dally wanted to die after...

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