S.E. Hinton
The author's professional website, where she discusses the genesis of her books and their film adaptations along with her process as a writer.
GradeSaver provides access to 2385 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 11032 literature essays, 2797 sample college application essays, 926 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, “Members Only” section of the site! Membership includes a 10% discount on all editing orders.
The Question and Answer section for The Outsiders is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
Johnny Cade is the second-youngest in the greaser gang, besides Ponyboy. He is "smaller than the rest, with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was...
Greasers come from low socio-economic backgrounds while the Socs generally come from wealthy backgrounds. The Socs flaunt their wealth while the Greasers display a working class toughness. The Greasers come from the "East" side of the tracks and...
Man vs Man: Conflict between the Socs and the Greasers
The fire in the church: man vs nature
Man vs Society: Perception of the Greasers as hoodlums because of their appearance
Man vs Self: Ponyboy's inner conflict over the deaths of his friends,...