The Silmarillion Characters

The Silmarillion Character List


Sauron, also known as Lord of the Rings is the antagonist in the volume. Before the First Age, Sauron was known as Mairon, created by Eru to be good and uncorrupted. He later learned to smith and became one of the mightiest Maia. His love for order and perfection brought him much admiration from his people. However, his desire to create order in the world soon transformed to greed and lust for power.

After the death of his master, Morgoth, Sauron became the Dark Lord. Unlike his predecessor, Sauron sought to control the minds and wills of all the creatures in Middle-earth rather than destroy them. He created the Rings of power that gave him the strength to conquer different kingdoms.


Melkor was created by Eru as the most powerful of the Ainur. However, his pride dominated over his loyalty and he rebelled against his creator becoming the first Dark Lord. Melkor later changed his name to Morgoth and sought the corruption and destruction of Middle-earth. After decades of heinous crimes, Morgoth was defeated in the War of Wrath and was cast into the Void.


Gandalf is an old wizard with long bushy eyebrows and a mustache who wore a long grey cloak with a silver scarf and a tall pointed hat. After spending most of his youth with the elves studying magic, Gandalf was sent to Middle-earth during the Third Age to stop the destruction brought by Sauron.


Galadriel was the youngest and only daughter to Finarfin, prince of the Noldor and Earwen. As she grew up, so did her beauty and wisdom. She later got married to Celeborn and the two ruled over the woods of Lothlorien. Galadriel became one of the mightiest Elves in Middle-earth. Her beauty, elegance, power, and knowledge surpassed that of other elves.


Also referred to as Ancalagon the Back was one of the greatest dragons that ever existed in Middle-Earth. Before his final defeat, Morgoth released the Ancalagon slaughtering thousands of Vaal soldiers. However, like its master, Ancalagon was also defeated marking the end of Morgoth’s reign.

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