The Silmarillion Summary

The Silmarillion Summary

“Silmarillion,” tells the tale of the beginning of time and the earth’s formation. The story begins with Eru (the creator), who breathes life to the first beings called the Ainur. From them, creation continued and the Elves were born then came the Dwarves and finally Men who were made mortal.

For ages, creatures of the earth live in peace until the ultimate evil is introduced. Melkor, one of the most beautiful and powerful Ainur, becomes corrupted by his greed. He disrupts the existing harmony and forces other Ainur to cast him out of their kingdom. Filled with contempt, Melkor sets a new path filled with destruction and a thirst for power. He also creates evil monsters that claim the lives of many Elves and Men. In addition, Melkor creates a rift of mistrust between Men and Elves.

As time passed, an elf named Feanor created the Silmarils - three jewels that bore a light of immense power. Feanor hid the jewels away from those who sought to corrupt its powers. Melkor learned of the Silmarils and plotted to steal them. He filled Feanor and his brothers with greed and mistrust breaking their alliance. Soon after, he attacked Feanor but failed to retrieve the Silmarils.

After decades of planning and failed attempts, Melkor allied with Ungoliant the spider. With her help, he stole the Silmarils. After they succeeded, Melkor betrayed Ungoliant and the two fought. Ungoliant retreats to the Valley of the Dreadful Death never to be seen again.

With the power of the jewels, Melkor continues his reign of destruction. The Valinor join in the fight and Melkor is defeated. His apprentice, Sauron, becomes the dark lord and rules over his master’s creation for centuries. Sauron is later captured and thrown into a pit of fire.

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