The Silmarillion Themes

The Silmarillion Themes


The book covers the creation of the world, stressing that Eru, a God, made the first people, known as the Ainur. From them, stemmed for lineages of different species, including the Elves, Dwarves and Men. An Elf known as Feanor then created the Silmarils, jewels with immense power, and sought out by the races.


Like all biblical stories, the fall of individuals results in the creation of evil, and this fantasy world is no different. Evil is first introduced when one of the Ainur, Melkor becomes corrupted and power-hungry. He massacres hordes of people and leads to a conflict between Elves and Men, leading to problems that last through generations of warfare.


Betrayal becomes fraught in this fantasy land, as different individuals seek to use the power of the Silmarils for themselves. Melkor corrupts Feanor’s mind, making him greedy for power, only to then betray him and attack him. Even with his arrangement with Ungoliant, the spider, Melkor uses him and attacks him; such is his greed for power.

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