This Side of Paradise Metaphors and Similes

This Side of Paradise Metaphors and Similes

Sweet bitterness (Metaphor)

Rosalind, Amory’s wife, is not the striking example of an excellent wife. In the beginning of their marriage she behaves as a careful and sincere woman, but she opens the bitter truth. The reputation and money are the main things in her life. But Amory is not disappointed. It is a “sweet bitterness” for him, because after their divorce he continues to love her.

The first kiss (Simile)

The first kiss is an unforgettable moment for each person. And when Amory was a boy in his teens, his first kiss happened. And he compares Mary’s lips “like young wild flowers in the wind”. It was a wonderful time for him.

Beautiful nature (Simile)

Winter is an amazing season, especially for children. The author chooses the beautiful epithets and comparisons to describe the winter. “Huge heaps of snow lining the sides like the tracks of giant moles” gives an opportunity to feel a magic atmosphere.

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